20 Questions Answered EclecticEvelyn.com

20 Questions Answered

I discovered this #SummertimeFun blog hop over at Sunshine and Elephants and decided I wanted to join in on the fun. So I went to the source The Blended Blog and found out more.


SummerTimeFun EclecticEvelyn.com



1. Favorite animal? Penguins, but I must say otters are darn cute too. Oh and prairie dogs and any baby anything tends to be so darn cute.

2. Wine or beer? Wine. I just really don’t like the taste of beer.

3. Socks on/off while sleeping? On when it’s cold but when I’m hot they got to go. It seems that now I’m in my 5o’s I’m always hot.

4. One piece or two piece bathing suit? How about a sundress or capris and a breezy top, maybe cut-offs and a t-shirt. Not a fan of bathing suits. Us curvy girls have a hard time finding one that supports the girls and doesn’t look like something my grandma wore back in the 1800’s.

5. Cooking at home or eating out? I love to cook but I hate cleaning up the mess. When my kids were all at home, I cooked 3 meals a day, but now that they are grown and gone, I prefer eating out or quick food.

6. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi

7. Regular or electric toothbrush? electric

8. Candy or chocolate? Both!! I have a huge sweet tooth.

9. Coffee or tea? I like coffee in the morning and a nice cup of tea in the evening.

10. Music or talk radio? Music but I make my own playlists that I listen too.

11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? I like scary movies and thrillers the most, but I do love a good documentary to teaches me something new.

12. Regular or mechanical pencil? I’m old school so I love a good Ticonderoga pencil.

13. Swimming or laying out? I don’t like either very much. I am very fair skinned so I burn in just a matter of minutes.  I prefer night swimming and lounging under a nice big umbrella during the day.

14. Dog or cat? Both and lots of them.

15. What do you drive? SUV, van or sedan? I am looking for a great van right now that I can turn into a camper. Would love an old VW camper van.

16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl? Night owl. Never asleep before 3am no matter what time I force myself to wake up in the morning. I function really well in New York on my own natural schedule but here in Appalachia, by the time I am ready to go eat dinner everything is closed. They roll up the sidewalks here at 9pm unless you want a bar or fast food.

17. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Italian food. I love Italian food and seafood. I could live my entire life only eating seafood and no other meat. Now if I was guaranteed not to gain any weight then I would say chocolate or cheesecake.

18. While sleeping: Phone in room by your side or phone in another room? Phone in the room. Next to my bed when I sleep, I have two phones and my Kindle. One phone that only my family has the number is always on for emergencies. The other phone, I turn off before I go to sleep and don’t turn back on until I am ready to deal with the world the next day. Kindle is on all the time. She is my lifeline to the world not to mention she keeps all my favorite books and movies nice and safe.

19. Singing in the shower, yes or no? no. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket so I am pretty sure that carrying one in the shower will never work.

20. Oreo cookies, Eat whole? Take apart and/or dunk? Oreos are not like other cookies. There is a process to enjoying an Oreo. First, you open it and lick all the creamy goodness out. Then you put the two chocolate halves back together and dip them in milk. Right before they become so soggy they disintegrate, you pop them in your mouth.



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Your Turn

Here is the list of questions that you can just copy and paste into your blog and then answer. 

1. Favorite animal?
2. Wine or beer?
3. Socks on/off while sleeping?
4. One piece or two piece bathing suit?
5. Cooking at home or eating out?
6. Pepsi or Coke?
7. Regular or electric toothbrush?
8. Candy or chocolate?
9. Coffee or tea?
10. Music or talk radio?
11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary?
12. Regular or mechanical pencil?
13. Swimming or laying out?
14. Dog or cat?
15. What do you drive? SUV, van or sedan?
16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl?
17. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
18. While sleeping: Phone in room by your side or phone in another room?
19. Singing in the shower, yes or no?
20. Oreo cookies, Eat whole? Take apart and/or dunk?


The Blended Blog has a linky for this that is only open for a few days.  You can share it there or …

Leave me a link to your post in the comments and I will be sure and visit. I love getting to know more about you.

Comments EclecticEvelyn.com


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14 thoughts on “20 Questions Answered”

  1. 1. Favorite animal? Dolphin
    2. Wine or beer? beer
    3. Socks on/off while sleeping? off
    4. One piece or two piece bathing suit? one piece
    5. Cooking at home or eating out? cooking at home
    6. Pepsi or Coke? neither
    7. Regular or electric toothbrush? electric
    8. Candy or chocolate? chocolate for sure
    9. Coffee or tea? neither
    10. Music or talk radio? music
    11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? chick flick and documentaries
    12. Regular or mechanical pencil? regular
    13. Swimming or laying out? swimming
    14. Dog or cat? doggie
    15. What do you drive? SUV, van or sedan? SUV
    16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl? early bird for sure
    17. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? cheesburger
    18. While sleeping: Phone in room by your side or phone in another room? another room
    19. Singing in the shower, yes or no? no
    20. Oreo cookies, Eat whole? Take apart and/or dunk? dunk!!

  2. You’ve got quite a sense of humour actually. I’m surprised to realize that we have lots of things in common, especially that ‘night owl’ fact. Your post is so interesting!

  3. 1. Favorite animal? Horse
    2. Wine or beer? Water?
    3. Socks on/off while sleeping? On
    4. One piece or two piece bathing suit? One
    5. Cooking at home or eating out? Eat out
    6. Pepsi or Coke? Diet Coke
    7. Regular or electric toothbrush? Electric
    8. Candy or chocolate? Candy
    9. Coffee or tea? Tea
    10. Music or talk radio? Music
    11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? Action
    12. Regular or mechanical pencil? Mechanical
    13. Swimming or laying out? Swimming
    14. Dog or cat? Dog
    15. What do you drive? SUV, van or sedan? SUV
    16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl? Worm
    17. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Bread
    18. While sleeping: Phone in room by your side or phone in another room? By my side – it is also my alarm clock
    19. Singing in the shower, yes or no? Hell yeah
    20. Oreo cookies, Eat whole? Take apart and/or dunk? Take apart and double up

  4. Oh, how fun! This reminds me of the days when everyone did surveys on MySpace and Facebook. I love learning interesting facts about other people. 🙂

  5. Here are a few of my answers:.
    Regular or electric toothbrush? regular in the AM and electric in the PM
    8. Candy or chocolate? chocolate!
    9. Coffee or tea? Neither!
    10. Music or talk radio? Music

  6. It is awesome to get to know more about others. This is an awesome linky that can show more about people in a more personal level. Thanks for sharing the questions and your answers.

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