woman reading to a patient

3 Ways Caregivers Can Boast Confidence in the Elderly


There are so many positives which come with age – knowing your own mind, having more experience in life, sharing your wisdom with others – and the golden years are there to be enjoyed. Equally, however, it’s important to acknowledge that certain things which come with aging can take their toll on confidence levels. It’s often a difficult conversation to have with our older loved ones – especially when we are used to them holding a position of authority in our lives. Factors such as being less physically able and active, a smaller number of friendships, retiring from work and changes in appearance make it harder for our elders to love themselves on occasion. When this happens, we have a chance to step in and help, in both a practical and an emotional sense. Self-esteem is intimately connected to physical and spiritual wellbeing, so we owe it to our elderly loved ones to support them through changes in later life.


Help Them Stay Active


Many seniors can grow despondent as they feel their role in the community has diminished over time. Without the framework of a regular job and with adult children perhaps living further away, it can be hard to regain a sense of purpose, especially for those who have spent their lives active and looking after others. Encourage them to use their time in following interests and causes that have always given them pleasure, or that they feel passionately about. Search for societies they can join and suitable activities in their local area which may be of interest, even volunteering opportunities if they are physically well enough. Having a regular place to be outside of the home keeps their independence going, gives a sense of purpose and being needed, and broadens their horizons to move the focus away from health concerns and other issues.


Give Their Appearance A Boost


It may sound silly to think that someone of older age can feel down about how they look, but the physical signs of aging can make some people feel quite insecure. Often our figures change as we get older, so book an appointment for them with a personal stylist who can advise on styles that will suit a more mature individual and address any concerns about their figure. A new haircut and color can also do wonders to make someone feel like a new person. Some people struggle with the signs of getting older, so introduce them to a great optician if they need some new frames to suit their face or Miracle-Ear’s miraculous hearing aids which can be a discreet way for them to keep up with the conversation.


Promote Their Independence


Sometimes, if an older person has suffered an accident like a slip or a fall, it can put them off doing things even after the physical symptoms have disappeared. Help out by encouraging them to be as independent and autonomous as they can manage. Things like teaching them how to order their food shopping online can make it easy for them to still have choice and control and maintain a healthy diet without the logistical worry of carting shopping back to their home. Remember to be respectful in your approach – like anyone, seniors hate to be talked down to or patronized in any way. With a little support, they can keep a positive self-image for many years to come.


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2 thoughts on “3 Ways Caregivers Can Boast Confidence in the Elderly”

  1. Christina Gould

    I like this advice, especially promoting their independence. Use it or lose it, right? Thanks for posting!

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