watching the sunrise after graduation

Staying Connected with Your College Student

Sending your child off to college can be an exciting time, but it can also be a big adjustment for everyone involved. As parents, it can be hard to let go and put your trust in someone else to take care of them, even though you know they can care for themselves. Thankfully, there are several ways that parents can stay connected to their children when they go off to college. 


Keep the Lines of Communication Open 

One of the most important things parents can do is ensure that lines of communication remain open between them and their college student child. Establishing regular times for check-ins is a great way to keep in touch—even if it’s just a quick text or call once a week. It doesn’t have to be long or drawn out, just enough so that you both know you’re thinking about each other and keeping tabs on each other’s well-being. If your child is having a hard time or is dealing with something severe, like mental health issues or substance abuse, then regular check-ins may need to happen more often. 


Encourage Involvement in Campus Activities 

Getting involved in campus activities is one-way college students can build relationships and create a robust support system away from home. Encouraging your child to participate in clubs and organizations related to their area of study or interests will help them develop new skills, form relationships with peers and faculty members, and get the most out of their college experience. Additionally, staying involved on campus will make it easier for them to navigate life away from home since they will establish relationships with those who understand what they are going through at any given moment. 


Let Them Know You’re There for Them 

It’s essential for children—particularly those leaving home for the first time—to feel supported by their parents, even from afar. Letting them know that you are available anytime they need guidance or advice will give them peace of mind knowing that they aren’t alone during this transition into adulthood. This doesn’t mean hovering over them; instead, it’s about ensuring they know that you care deeply about what happens in their lives and are always willing to offer love and support whenever needed. 


Use Technology To Its Full Potential 

Technology can be a handy tool for parents to stay connected to their children. Tools such as Facetime, Skype, and texting are all great ways for parents to keep in touch with their children even when they’re not physically near them. You can learn more about how to use FaceTime here. Additionally, apps like Marco Polo make it easy for students and parents to drop each other a message at any time. Just be sure to set boundaries and expectations regarding how often you use technology to stay in touch—overwhelming your child with check-ins can take away from the independence they need during this period of their lives.


Staying connected with your child when they go off to college is essential for helping ensure that they have the best possible experience during this significant transition period in their life. Keeping lines of communication open between parent and student, encouraging involvement in campus activities, and letting them know you’re always there for them will help foster strong connections during this challenging yet exciting time and healthy parent-child relationships far into the future! 




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