5 Ways to Connect with Your Adult Child’s Partner and Build a Strong Bond

As our children grow up and begin forming their own relationships, it’s natural to want to connect with the people who matter most to them, especially their partners. These relationships can play a significant role in your adult child’s life, and building a bond with their partner helps foster a sense of unity within the family. Making an effort to connect not only strengthens family ties but also ensures that everyone feels welcome, valued, and included in family traditions and gatherings. This can be particularly important if you envision a long-term future with this new addition to your family.

However, building a meaningful connection with your adult child’s partner can sometimes feel challenging, especially if you have different interests, hobbies, or life experiences. The key is for us to go out of our way to create common ground and find ways to relate to one another, no matter how small. It’s about putting in the effort to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the person your child cares about. Here are five tips to help you connect with your adult child’s partner and create lasting bonds.

Finding Common Ground with Your Adult Child’s Partner

One of the best ways to bond with your adult child’s partner is to take a genuine interest in their culture and hobbies. This might mean asking about their favorite sports, music, or entertainment preferences. For instance, if they are passionate about a particular sport, asking them about their favorite teams or players can open the door to engaging conversations. You might even discover that you share a mutual interest in sports, whether it’s catching games on ESPN Plus Canada or attending live events together.

Even if their interests initially seem unfamiliar to you, this is an opportunity to learn and expand your own horizons. Take the time to ask them about what they love, whether it’s a particular genre of games, movies, or even a unique hobby. Showing curiosity and a willingness to learn about their passions demonstrates that you value their perspective and are eager to understand what makes them tick. This effort can help create a connection and lead to deeper conversations.

After you gain insight into their interests, you can find common ground where your passions intersect. For example, as a cosplayer, you might discover that their favorite characters come from video games or shows you enjoy. This shared connection can become a foundation for bonding. By embracing their culture and interests, you’re building a bridge that can lead to a stronger relationship, making it easier to relate and share experiences together.

Spend Quality One on One Time Together

Spending quality time with your adult child’s partner is a wonderful way to foster a strong bond. One of the most enjoyable and meaningful ways to connect is by cooking together. Invite them to join you in the kitchen and share a favorite recipe or family dish. Cooking allows for casual conversation, laughter, and creativity, making it a relaxed setting for both of you to get to know each other better. Plus, everyone feels more connected when food is involved, so you can’t go wrong with this approach.

As you prepare the meal together, you can learn more about each other’s tastes and preferences. Perhaps they have a favorite cuisine or a special dish from their background that they can teach you to make. This exchange of culinary knowledge not only creates a delicious meal but also deepens your connection. Sharing stories while chopping vegetables side by side or stirring a pot creates a comfortable atmosphere where meaningful conversations can flourish.

Finally, once the meal is prepared, gather everyone around the table to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sharing a meal is a time-honored way to bring people together and foster a sense of community. You can reminisce about family traditions, swap cooking tips, and even plan future gatherings. This shared experience will create lasting memories and help strengthen the bond between you and your adult child’s partner, making them feel like a valued member of the family.

woman over 50 showing her son in law how to make spaghetti while her adult child watches

Plan Shared Experiences

Shared experiences create memories and help strengthen relationships. Inviting your adult child’s partner to an event or activity is a great way to spend quality time together. This could be something as simple as going for a hike, attending an art exhibit, or joining you at a community event. Stepping outside of your normal routine allows both of you to see each other in new settings and bond in ways that may not happen during day-to-day interactions.

For instance, if your adult child’s partner loves live music or comedy shows, invite them to join you at a performance. If they’re an outdoorsy type, plan a weekend hike or a trip to a local park. Even if the event isn’t something you would typically choose, the effort you make will show that you value spending time with them, which can make a lasting impression.

By doing this, you’re not only bonding with your adult child’s partner but also creating new experiences that you can both look back on. These shared moments can help bridge any gaps in interests and bring you closer.

Consider Thoughtful Surprise Gifts

Gift-giving can be a meaningful way to show your appreciation for your adult child’s partner and strengthen your bond. Thoughtful gifts demonstrate that you recognize their interests and value the time you’ve spent together. Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, or just because, choosing a gift that reflects their personality can go a long way in fostering a connection. For instance, if they have a favorite hobby, consider getting them something related, such as a book about their passion or a small accessory that complements their interests.

However, gifts don’t always have to come with a price tag. You can create memorable experiences without spending much at all. A spa day at home can be a fun and relaxing way to bond. Set up a cozy space with soothing music, face masks, and homemade snacks for an indulgent day together. This shared experience will not only help you connect but also create a memorable and relaxing time. Alternatively, consider giving a gift certificate for a couple’s night out at a favorite restaurant. This not only gives them a chance to spend quality time together but also shows your thoughtfulness and support for their relationship.

Ultimately, the key is to make the gifts personal and meaningful. A handwritten note expressing your appreciation or a small token that reflects a shared memory can make a lasting impact. Thoughtful gestures, whether big or small, show that you care and are invested in their happiness. By taking the time to choose or create the right gifts, you’re laying the groundwork for a deeper relationship with your adult child’s partner, ensuring they feel welcomed and valued in your family.

man over 50 bonding with his adult child's partner

Practice Patience and Understanding

Building a bond with your adult child’s partner takes time and effort, so it’s essential to practice patience as you navigate this new relationship. Remember how it felt to enter a family where you might not have known everyone well. Just because you share a love for the same person doesn’t mean that creating a connection is instant. It’s important to remember how you felt when you met your partner’s family for the first time. Be patient and allow the relationship to develop organically, giving both of you the space to feel comfortable and open up at your own pace.

One effective way to encourage this growth is by suggesting a shared hobby or activity. Whether it’s taking a cooking class, going for hikes, or even playing video games together, engaging in a fun pastime can break the ice and make bonding feel effortless. This shared experience can foster natural conversation and laughter, helping both of you to feel more at ease. The goal is to create an environment where you can both express yourselves freely and enjoy each other’s company without pressure.

Consider setting up a regular lunch date or monthly family dinner. These consistent gatherings create a routine that helps everyone feel more connected. Over time, these interactions will build familiarity and trust, allowing for deeper conversations and shared experiences. At the same time, respect their boundaries and personal space. Not every moment needs to be spent together, and it’s okay to have separate interests.

The key is to show that you’re open to forming a connection and are willing to go out of your way to make them feel like part of the family. By being patient and nurturing this new relationship, you are not only creating a strong bond with your adult child’s partner but also enriching your family dynamic as a whole.

a woman over 50 and a woman under 35 talking at a dinner table

Building a strong bond with your adult child’s partner is an essential step in fostering family unity and ensuring everyone feels valued and connected. By showing genuine interest in their culture, spending quality time together, and offering thoughtful gifts, you can create meaningful experiences that deepen your relationship. Remember to be patient as you navigate this new dynamic, allowing the connection to develop organically over time. Your shared love for your child can serve as a powerful foundation for a lasting friendship.

As you explore common interests and engage in shared activities, you’ll find that connecting with your adult child and their partner becomes more natural and enjoyable. Whether it’s starting a new hobby, establishing regular lunch dates, or simply cooking a meal together, every effort you make will help strengthen your bond. Ultimately, by investing time and energy into this relationship, you’re enriching not only your life but also the family dynamic, creating a warm and welcoming environment for everyone involved.


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