
Archive for stuff that is not evergreen but we want to keep. Old gift guide articles, etc.

Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising

They say the creative soul is stifled in an environment of misery and despair but they are wrong It thrives there under the surface. every abuse every cruelty makes it stronger building power it rises up like a phoenix from the flame finding voice in the silence speaking out telling truth to the world.

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Rise Up

Rise Up

Deep inside I am dark and raging the medication keeps it from bubbling to the surface but it is there waiting to rise up and seek justice

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The Hunger #SOCS

She could feel the hunger in her as she looked through the window. There he sat with his date, a woman well past her prime with blonde hair that can only come from a bottle. She was not jealous if anything she felt sorry for the woman. She knew what was coming. Maybe not tonight

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Should I Warn Her?

Should I Warn Her?

Her face is smiling up at me from the announcement section of the morning paper. Right there next to his depraved grin, she stands beaming, happy to show off the ring. I wonder who paid for it. Tossing the paper in the trash near the door, I walk out into the morning throng. The sun

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I have noticed that the older I become the faster time moves. I remember when I was young it seemed like days lasted forever and I couldn’t wait to be a grownup. Well, being a grownup is not all that it is cracked up to be. I really miss those days of no bills and

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