
Archive for stuff that is not evergreen but we want to keep. Old gift guide articles, etc.

Q #AtoZChallenge

Q is for Quatrain

A quatrain poem consists of verses consisting of four lines or an entire poem consisting of four lines. It is not as simple as just any four lines. The lines must have a rhythm and rhyme to them. This rhyme and rhythm and different for different types of quatrains. The most common kinds of quatrain are: BalladStanza –

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The Key Man

Photo Writing Prompt used for Today   It was the first nice day of Easter break. We were playing kickball in the street when we noticed him.  He was tall and lean with a rucksack slung across his back. He carried with him a bunch of keys on a loop that jingled as he walked

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Almost Famous

Today is April 1 which means its the first day of the A to Z Challenge. Last year I did poetry and poets, but this year I wanted to do something a little easier (less research) and also more creatively challenging.  This year I am using random old photos that I found on Flickr Commons as

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Coal Camp Stranger

Mr. Anders had seen a family tossed out by hired men just hours after the father had been killed in a mine explosion. A woman heavy with child and four little children with nowhere to go tossed out like garbage. He could still hear her crying and screaming in Italian not understanding what was happening.

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Bashful Smile

Could this child be a relative, maybe a distant cousin with those blonde eyelashes like mine and that nose that looks like my son’s?  I don’t recollect any family in the Scott’s Run area but sometimes families traveled when a mine closed.

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