
Dental Veneers Explained: Are They Safe?

Dental veneers are thin custom-made coverings that are bonded using dental cement to the tooth’s front area to cover them to correct teeth imperfections. These coverings can change the shape, color, length, or size of a tooth to enhance their appearance.


Veneers are the solution to other teeth problems like;


  • Teeth discoloration
  • Teeth with large spaces between them
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Worn-down teeth

Veneers are an excellent solution to a great smile, so getting the right type for your teeth is vital. 

Types of Veneers


Getting the very best type of veneers that will last longer and significantly improve your smile is essential. Learning about the different kinds available will help you choose the one which best suits you. 

Composite Veneers


The composite veneers are made from resin or plastic with a lifespan of around seven years. They are easily installed and need just one dentist’s appointment. They are easily repaired if broken. The composite veneers involve composite layers molded to fit the tooth’s ideal length and shape. The layers are then hardened using curing-light and finally polished to give the desired look.


Composite veneers offer affordable solutions to small problems like teeth chipping or discoloration but are not ideal for long-lasting issues. They easily chip, stain, and break, which makes it require regular dentist visits. 

Porcelain Veneers


Porcelain veneers are made from high quality, hardened ceramic. Porcelain veneers have been around for decades and are most people’s preferred solution to their teeth appearance problems. Porcelain, mainly the older chunkier forms, act more of a teeth whitening solution if your teeth react abnormally to regular whitening and bleaching procedures.


Thin pieces of porcelain are added to the teeth to give them the natural, white look. This process adds strength to the tooth while still giving it the natural tooth enamel look. These days experts can shape porcelain such that you can’t tell the difference from a real tooth.

Porcelain is strong, sometimes lasting over 20 years.


They are not susceptible to chipping or breaking even if thinly applied, which helps keep you away from the dentist’s door. The application of these Veneers is irreversible, so you need to make sure you get it done by a professional to avoid botched procedures. 

Lumineer Veneers


Lumineer veneers are like the reversible version of porcelain veneers. These types of veneers are thin but very strong. The installation process is relatively simple, taking around two dentist visits. Lumineer is very durable and can last over 20 years. They solve discoloration as well as cover spaces in your teeth. These veneers’ thinness makes them easily detachable and sometimes exposes the lower part of the discolored tooth.   

Benefits of Dental Veneers


Veneers have numerous advantages that make them more appealing and highly in demand in today’s cosmetic world. Here are a few benefits that make veneers such an in-demand product;



  • If you want to whiten your teeth and fix them, you can add color to the teeth to make darker teeth appear whiter.
  • Porcelain veneers are mostly stain-resistant, but doctors recommend avoiding staining foods and beverages altogether.
  • They require less shaping than crowns while still looking better and stronger.
  • Veneers give a natural tooth appearance and generally improve your teeth’ look, providing a more beautiful smile.
  • Dental veneer application is usually swift, requiring one or two dentist visits.
  • Veneers require minimal trimming, unlike most dental treatments. The dentist only partially removes the enamel to enable the veneer to fit comfortably.
  • Veneers are durable and don’t require regular dentist visits with proper maintenance. They also don’t need replacing since they have a long life span of between seven to 15 years.
  • Veneers don’t require any special aftercare and only need you to maintain oral hygiene as you would typically do.
  • They help correct minor cosmetic problems. Veneers hide the fact that you have cracked, discolored, chipped, or large gapped teeth to most people seeing your confident smile.
  • Veneers are an excellent enamel replacement. Enamel can be eroded or eaten away over time, causing you pain and other problems that might need medical attention. They are suitable enamel replacements.

Veneer Installation Risks



Veneers might be the solution to your teeth problems, but applying them without knowing the risks involved might leave you with a massive problem. Here is a list of future issues you might face due to veneers.


  • Although highly unlikely, sometimes the veneer might fall off, causing you embarrassment. You should avoid eating your nails and chewing hard objects that will exert pressure on the tooth.
  • If you have unhealthy teeth, then veneers are not the solution for you.
  • You may require to whiten the rest of your teeth first to avoid having unmatched colors on your teeth.
  • If you have your enamel removed during the application of veneers, then you might experience increased sensitivity.
  • Dental veneers are usually a permanent solution, so you might need to remove your teeth in case of a botched operation or enormous side effects.
  • Veneers are not insurance against future teeth problems, so you will still need to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • Clenching your teeth might cause chipping or cracks for porcelain veneers.
  • Cracked or chipped veneers are not easy to repair.
  • Veneers are costly to install and are not covered in most health insurance covers. It is necessary to confirm this with your health insurance company. 

Veneer Costs


Veneers are costly to apply, ranging from $1000 to $2000 per tooth, depending on what country you come from and the type of veneers you use. 

Dental Veneer Alternatives


Crowns and bonding are some of the alternatives to veneers if your budget doesn’t allow you to apply veneers. Dental veneers are the best choice if you want to alter your tooth’s shape just a little bit without the need for a crown.   



Whether you are old or young, you need to know how to care for yourself. Your oral health and appearance give you the confidence to appear and smile; thus, it is necessary to prioritize it. It would be best if you considered both the pros and cons of each veneer before deciding with your dentist’s approval.



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