Empty Nest Alert: Don’t Ignore These Risks

An empty nest.

It is by far the saddest saying one could create. Indeed, a nest is, by definition, a structure that has been built to fulfill a function. Birds only build a nest when they are preparing to have offspring. Very occasionally a nest is built as an accommodation for the animal itself. It serves a purpose that is clear: The nest is for holding the eggs; hence it becomes pointless when the offspring flies off.

Similarly, calling your home an empty nest when the last of your children have moved out is heartbreaking. It emphasizes the incongruity of the situation; it’s a home that has no function anymore. But don’t let yourself fall for this false logic. Your empty nest has plenty of life left in it, and, more importantly, living inside puts you at risk if you are not careful. After all, your empty nest is still a nest… and it’s up to you if it stays empty!


The house grows older too

When you live alone, it can be tricky to keep track of all maintenance appointments. Indeed, it’s not uncommon for adults who remain in an empty nest to ignore some of the grunts and groans of their aging house. When you’re on your own, it’s easy to develop a form of selective blindness regarding some pressing issues. But it’s not a safe path for your property. You have to keep track of heating costs – a sudden increase can indicate that your insulation or windows need replacing. Additionally, depending on the age of your property you might want to check for harmful substances, from asbestos – which can still be found in building dating back from the 1960s and before – to lead in your plumbing systems.


When was the last time you looked after your health?

When the home is empty, you lose interest in things. When the first stage of disinterest if your home maintenance, the second is yourself. Your health becomes secondary, especially when you experience the empty nest depression of many parents. But you can’t afford to ignore your health complaints. While things might be more challenging from a financial point of view, you can look for a change Medicaid health plan offers a cost-friendly alternative for low incomes. Neglecting your health is a dangerous game that rarely ends well. This goes for your mental health as well as your physical health. If you are struggling with feelings of depression, reach out and talk to your doctor about things that can help. You may need medication, CBT or to investigate the success rate of Spravato alongside these things. People who are isolated tend to die younger as they stop caring about themselves. Don’t fall into the isolation trap!

Fill up the space

At the end of the day, an empty nest only needs company to fills up again. If you’re looking for constant company, you can rent a room. Getting a lodger, especially if you can make friends, is the ideal solution to keep your house and your mental health in good conditions. You can also choose to get more active and invite friends for a cup of tea or a meal. Ultimately, loneliness is not a fatality, it’s a choice. Nobody is forcing you to keep your house empty!  


When the last of your children have left home, it can be difficult to feel like the house or even yourself can still have a purpose in the future. But you both do, so take the time to look after yourself and the property!


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