men working out

Fighting Mental Health Problems Amidst the Pandemic: 4 Engaging Activities


The lockdowns and social distancing practices due to the Coronavirus has taken a toll on everyone around the world. Apart from the crashing economy people are also witnessing mental health problems due to being stuck at home without having much to do. Issues like boredom and depression are some of the most common mental health problems that you might encounter during this pandemic. Though there are some things that you can get engaged in to keep yourself occupied and to keep such complications at bay. Let’s have a look at 4 such activities that might help you while away time.



Work from Home

Most of you would have had to stay away from work due to social distancing. If you haven’t started working from home till now, then you should do it as soon as possible. Most of the world has now realized that they can simply work from home and continue with their job. Companies all over the world are now encouraging their employees to stay at home and follow the work routine from home. Once you start working from home you will soon realize that it takes up most of your time and keeps you busy. This is probably the best defense against boredom and to prevent the onset of mental illnesses.


T.V. Shows

The use of the term ‘binge-watching’ has seen a rather sharp spike since the pandemic started. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it means to watch a series of movies or some shows and videos continuously for a long time. This probably is a safe means of whiling away time if you have nothing else to do. OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime even gave some special benefits to their viewers in the light of the lockdown and the norms of social distancing.


Pamper Yourself

It’s important to keep yourself happy by treating yourself to whatever you like amidst the lockdown. Since online orders and deliveries are still happening to an extent people have been ordering things like pizzas, chocolates, and other food items at home. Deliveries of local wine, whiskey, and weed have also seen an increase since the pandemic started. Local brands such as purple penthouse of the Washington DC area have reported a spike in online orders since the mid of May. So make sure you show some self-love by treating yourself to the things you like. It will always help you stay away from depression and other mental problems.



Most of you who do not exercise daily would be giving a very common excuse of not having time at hand due to work and responsibilities. Well, whether that is true or not doesn’t matter now as we all have plenty of time on our hands. To prevent boredom from driving you to insanity, keeping yourself busy with regular exercise is a win-win situation on many fronts. It keeps you healthy, tires you down so that you sleep on time and then keeps things like depression and boredom away.



Staying indoors for too long without any actual contact with your friends and family can easily put a toll on your mind. Keeping your mental peace by following these popular practices can really be effective.





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