Beth Dortch in a snapchat filter

Looking & Feeling 10 Years Younger

Don’t we all want this? Any of you are thinking no, well you must be lucky and blessed with a youthful look. Because as we venture over the 30 line, it’s easy to look at our ourselves and wonder where the time has gone. Popular culture presents such a negative view of aging that once we actually start to age we feel like something is wrong with our bodies if it doesn’t match what we are seeing on Instagram. We forget that Instagram is seen through a photoshop filter and that only the best photos make it into anyone’s feed. I get that most of you would do anything to reverse the clocks and go back to your 20-year-old self, but that just isn’t happening. So instead, you need to embrace your changing body and find ways to look and feel younger. Because ultimately it’s not all about how you look, it’s about how you feel inside, and that’s the easiest thing to change! So, if you want to look and feel 10 years older, then you really have come to the right place. Here’s how you can do just that!


Looking 10 Years Younger


So, the first step in the process is actually looking 10 years younger. It’s easy enough to do, just follow our simple steps. Step one, what is it that’s making you feel old? Is it wrinkles and fine lines? If so, then you need to get yourself an anti aging serum. It goes deep into the skin and works its magic to give you radiant and youthful skin, as well as reducing those fine lines.

Or is it that fact that your skin has started to sag a little? It just doesn’t have that firm feeling it once used to have? If so, then you need to get yourself a skin firming serum. If used in conjunction with face washes and scrubs, you will really start to notice the difference.

The second thing you can do is focus on your fitness. One of the biggest keys to looking young is having a banging body, and boy does this help with feeling 10 years younger as well. Once you get into the swing of things, make sure you’re doing weighted workouts. It’ll tone your body, build light muscle, and help to keep your skin nice and tight! Go 3 or 4 times a week, and we promise you will look 10 years younger within 6 weeks. P.s… focus on your diet as well!


Feeling 10 Years Younger


So, it’s all well and good looking younger, but you actually need to make sure you’re feeling younger at the same time. Having more energy and a lust for life is going to do just that. Do things that you’re not meant to do. Go skydiving, go dancing until the early hours of the morning, spend time with your friends, have sleepovers or spend the day at a carnival. The older you act, the older you’re going to feel. If you spend some time actually making sure that you’re acting young, we promise that you will feel it in due time!

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