hellow 2019

My 2019 Word of the Year is FOCUS



Like most people, many of my New Year resolutions fall by the wayside by mid-January, so this year instead of making resolutions, I am choosing to focus on a word. By focussing on a word as opposed to a resolution I am not putting any pressure on myself to reach a benchmark or hit a milestone.  I am opening myself up to all the possibilities and blessings of a new year while encouraging my mind.



I choose FOCUS because no matter what goals I am trying to reach in a day or a year, I am always so easily distracted by anything and everything with social media and Youtube being my biggest time sucks, not to mention squirrels and butterflies.



I find myself going round and round chasing distractions and never actually accomplishing anything.  I look busy, I feel busy, at the end of the day I am exhausted but, my To Do List never seems to get done.



FOCUS is my mantra for 2019. It is my little nudge to make sure I am doing things that matter. To make sure I am aligning my work with my priorities and goals and not just running in circles.



Do You Have a Word for 2019?



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2 thoughts on “My 2019 Word of the Year is FOCUS”

  1. I love your word for 2019. I have found that I lose myself because of social media too. I need to find a word and get focused. Thanks for sharing on Sunday’s Best, and for the encouragement.

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