3 Places to Get Stuff Free EclecticEvelyn.com

3 Places to Get Stuff for Free

I love getting free stuff in the mail. Who doesn’t? Perhaps you’ve been looking to move, viewing homes online, and are getting inspired. Or maybe you’ve had a recent re-decorate of your home and need some new accessories to match. I thought I would share three of my favorite places to get some great products to try out.  You do NOT have to be a blogger to sign up for any of these. You just need an address and a few social media accounts.


#Pinchme #Olay #BeyondCatFood #Purina #Sinfulshine #Nakedwines #Breatheright #GotitFree #Samples

A photo posted by Eclectic Evelyn (@eclecticevelyn) on

How Does It Work?

Visit PINCHme and register with your email and basic information.  You will be given a profile survey that you need to complete.  Approximately once a month samples will be available for you to choose from.  After you recieve your samples and have had a chance to try them you will be asked to fill out a little survey and that’s it.

You are not required to share out on social media or post about any of the samples.

Two people from the same address can register to receive samples.

TIP: On Sample Day, the samples become available at noon so you want to make sure you visit then so that you have more samples to choose from. The really good samples go quick.



#Purina #beyond #dog #treats #gotitfree @Smiley360

A photo posted by Eclectic Evelyn (@eclecticevelyn) on

How Does It Work?

Visit Smiley360 and register with your email and basic information, connect your social media accounts and fill out your profile completely. Once you do this make sure you visit and check your dashboard at least once a week for surveys to qualify for Missions. Missions are how you get free products. The Mission surveys are usually no more than 5 questions and it determines if you fit what they are looking for. Once you are approved for a mission then you will get a product and a set of activities to complete. Basically sharing on Facebook and Twitter and writing a review on Smiley360.

You will need to have a Twitter account and a Facebook account

They also have Twitter parties and give out some great prizes.



#JingleVoxBox #Cheerphil #MyBiscoffBreak #OreIdaTotchos #ittybittys #cityproofnyc #kisslashes #pureice #gotitFree

A photo posted by Eclectic Evelyn (@eclecticevelyn) on

How Does It Work?

Visit Influenster and register with your email and basic information. Once you sign up and fill out some information about yourself then you will be sent emails about Voxboxes and Campaigns. Each of these boxes has a name and a theme and lots of activities that you will need to complete in order to qualify for additional prizes. They also have virtual boxes that are online.

Influenster is more time intensive than the other two but they offer really great products.

You will need to have Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It also helps if you have a youtube account and a blog but they are not required.


If you know of other places to get free products that do not require a blog or If you have any experience with the 3 mentioned in this post please share in the comments below.

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