wellness workshop

Prioritizing Health And Wellness At Work

Many of us devote a huge amount of time to our jobs, spending around 38 hours at work every week. When you have several tasks to juggle at the same time and a hectic schedule, it can be tough to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. In this guide, we’ll discuss simple steps you can take to prioritize health and wellness


Protecting against accidents and occupational injuries

Safety at work should be a priority for every employer and employee. We all want to feel safe when we turn up at work. If there are procedures and policies in place, make sure you follow instructions and try to be proactive in injury prevention. Some jobs carry risks and even the safest workplaces can harbor hazards. If you work in an office, it’s important to be aware of common work-related injuries and illnesses and to try and lower risks. Maintain good posture when you’re sitting at your desk, for example, and look out for hazardous warning signs to prevent slips and trips. If you have any concerns about health and safety at your workplace, speak to your employer. If you have an accident as a result of negligence on their part, contact knowledgeable personal injury attorneys and seek advice. You should always have access to the relevant equipment and training to do your job safely and your boss should take precautions in line with rules and regulations. 



Making time for exercise

Exercise is an incredibly powerful natural tonic for physical and mental wellbeing. While we often associate physical activity with improved strength, stamina, and endurance, regular exercise also plays a critical role in boosting psychological wellbeing. Exercising makes you feel great and it can also aid sleep and lower stress levels. Try to ensure that you have time to be active every day. You could walk, run or cycle to work, fit in exercise classes in the morning or evening or go for a long jog, bike ride or hike after work. If you’re working from home, you can take a break to get out into the fresh air or use home gym equipment or virtual workouts to get fit without leaving the house. 



Recognizing the signs of stress

Stress is very common and most people will experience rising stress levels at some point in their lives. While many of us deal with mild stress regularly, there is a risk of stress getting too much and impacting mental and physical health. If you’re stressed out and it’s affecting your mood, your sleep patterns, or your appetite, for example, this is a sign that you need to take action. Try to recognize triggers and make changes to your lifestyle and your schedule. Take time out, relax, manage your time and make sure you get enough rest. Exercise frequently, eat well, and organize your schedule so that you have time to work and play. If self-help techniques don’t make a difference, consider seeing your doctor. 

Similarly, understand the role of your employer with regard to stress. If stress is related to work, they do have some responsibilities to help you deal with it. Ideally, your job should come with some sort of health care benefit. Many businesses offer health insurance or chaplain services to help employees with a range of problems. Inquire about these to get the assistance needed to combat stress at work. If you’re self-employed, then yes, your best solution is to see your doctor if the previously mentioned self-help tips don’t work. 



Many of us spend the majority of our time working. While you’re at work, it’s crucial to look after yourself. Take steps to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, make time for exercise and try to manage stress. Don’t hesitate to seek help if stress is getting on top of you or you need a break. 

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