person playing chess

Tips for Retaining Your Memory As You Age

There are a lot of great things about getting old. You have more time to yourself, you’re able to travel the world without much worry about paying bills and missing out on work, and being able to spend more time with your grandchildren. These are the positives that are known around the world and are what you can expect when you are getting to that mature age. This doesn’t mean that you will be very close to retiring, it just means you have more time on your hands and you’ve accumulated enough wealth to be almost completely financially secure. Now that you are heaving over 50, you’d like to make sure that your health is in order to give you another 50 years if possible. However, one of the areas that is so often neglected when it comes to old age is our memory. Memory is what makes us unique, for we have lived a life that cannot be lived by anyone else. So making sure that our mind stays sharp and we can pass on stories and moments to our loved ones is essential to our quality of life.



Continue to learn


As soon as we stop absorbing information, our mind goes into a semi-sleep state with regards to our conscious mind. When you aren’t having to figure out problems such as mathematical sums, learning about new places around the world, or even just problem-solving, we start to slow down. We need educational and or cognitive stimulation to keep our mind sharp and blow all the cobwebs away. For this, you should continue to read books, by trying to complete one novel, biography or historical book once a week. Take up a board game or perhaps something that’s electronic such as on your smartphone. Play chess with friends or card games, do something that stops you from being idle.



Take physical care


You know the old saying, ‘mind over matter’, well that is true but one must not overlook the importance of keeping physically fit. Our bodies play a huge role in how active and creative our minds can be. This is because the fitter we are, the more oxygen is received by our muscles and of course our brain. Keeping free of injuries then is even more important as you get older. You should try to jog or walk every day for at least 20 minutes but in doing so, you should avoid hazardous events. Slipping over and hitting your head can cause you serious injury to your brain, and seriously damage your ability to remember parts of your life. There is the option of speaking to a brain injury lawyer who can help to fight for your case regarding, pain, suffering, and life-changing injuries. A loss of memory is very serious and emotionally traumatizing since parts of your life may have been erased forever.


Retaining your memory into old age is a challenge that must be worked on continuously. You have to earn a sharp mind which is why you should continue to learn and absorb information. Keep physically fit and avoid physical injury by not taking risks.


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