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Top Tips for a Flawless Smile

Everyone wants to have the perfect smile. They want their teeth to shine and their faces to light up. They want their eyes to sparkle, their bodies to relax and they want everyone to know that they are happy. Among all of that, they also want to have straight teeth, nice breath, and a smile that they feel at the tips of their toes. A good smile can make you feel fantastic and you want that smile to be as flawless as possible. When you’re satisfied with your own smile, it makes your confidence skyrocket and it allows you to feel like your self-esteem shoots through the roof.


The thing is, this is not something that appears overnight. A flawless smile is something that takes time to curate! If you’re not born with perfectly straight teeth, you will need to speak to an orthodontist about braces, retainers, and other options to straighten your teeth. Expert dental clinics such as Smile House Dental are also able to help with cleanings, x-rays, and more. A flawless smile is something you can enjoy most when you look after your teeth and that’s why you should book an appointment to get your teeth checked. With this in mind, here are some things that you could be doing at home to make sure that your smile stands out in the best way.


  1. Brush twice. Every day, you should be brushing your teeth and you know that. But you also know that you should be doing it in the morning and the evening. It’s your teeth’s first line of defense against plaque and tartar, and it’s the easiest way to preserve how healthy your teeth are. Food decays in your mouth when you don’t remove it and that can make your teeth rot. You can avoid that by brushing twice a day. You want to have completely healthy, clean teeth for that smile to shine.
  2. Floss everyday. Almost everyone believes that flossing is something that’s optional but it really shouldn’t. If you want brighter, whiter teeth, then flossing should be a key part of your routine. You can brush to clean your teeth but flossing gets those hard to reach areas. Follow the instructions on the pack of floss that you use so that you are doing it properly.
  3. See your dentist regularly. Twice a year, you should be seeing your dentist every six months. You can then get a thorough hygienist cleaning, check the health of your gums and you can ensure that you prevent any issues from getting worse. Routine cleanings will help to eliminate the risk of gum disease and oral cancers, and it will save you a lot of time and money. Aside from the basics, the dentist will check for gaps and add fillings. Seeing a hygienist can help!
  4. Quit smoking. Where you can, quit smoking and do better for your health as a result. You won’t have stained teeth and you’ll be reducing your oral cancer risk. You don’t want yellow or dark teeth, and stained teeth don’t make your mouth look as flawless as you want it to be. Kicking the habit takes some time and it’s not always easy so you need to speak to the doctor and get some guidance and help. Smokers who quit the habit are far less likely to lose their teeth early compared to those who continue to smoke. 
  5. Limit your consumption of certain fluids. Wine, coffee, and tea can stain your teeth and cause discoloration that’s hard to remove. Just like smoking, these are drinks that can dull the natural shine of your teeth. It’s a good idea to rinse your mouth after drinking these particular drinks so that you can keep your teeth looking good. Your mouth deserves to be in great condition and you can keep up with it when you keep to clear fluids and cut back on the caffeine! 
  6. Don’t say no to treatments. The best way to keep your smile clean and flawless is to keep up with your appointments. It’s so easy to say that you’ll just put it off but if you do that, you risk untreated issues running rampant in your mouth and that can cause decay to happen a lot faster. You should think about avoiding implants and dentures and you can only do that by keeping up your treatments.


Your teeth need to be healthy if you want to have a flawless smile. Add to that healthy gums and a healthy tongue and you will be smiling for good!


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