Hey y'all it's Evelyn podcast episode on why women over 50 need to start a podcast playing on a phone a pair of headphones and a cup of coffee

Why Women Over 50 Should Start a Podcast and Reclaim Your Voice

Hey girl, let’s get real for a minute. You’ve spent years pouring yourself into your family, your career, your community, and now it’s time to focus on you. Maybe you’ve got an empty nest, maybe you’re semi-retired, or maybe you’re just ready to step into this new chapter of your life. Whatever it is, I’m here to tell you one thing: it’s time to start a podcast!

I get it, starting something new can feel a bit scary, but believe me, it’s easier than you think to start a podcast. I kicked off my own podcast at age 55, and if I can do it, you totally can too! I’m here to share why podcasting is one of the best things you can dive into right now and how it can help you reclaim your voice as you embrace this exciting new chapter in your life. While you read on, you can listen to my episode on Why Women Over 50 Need to Start a Podcast right here below just hit play.

Start a Podcast and Reclaim Your Voice

For years, we’ve been taking care of everyone else. We’ve been mothers, partners, caretakers, employees—and somewhere along the way, we may have lost a bit of our own voice. Now that you’ve hit this stage in life, it’s time to reclaim that voice and share it with the world. And what better way to do that than to start a podcast?

When you have a podcast, it’s your space. You get to talk about what matters to you. No one can tell you to hush or hold back. It’s your chance to be unapologetically you and share your thoughts, wisdom, and experiences. Your voice matters, and it’s time for the world to hear it!

You’ve Got Stories and Wisdom for Days

Girl, we’ve been through some things. We’ve got life experience that younger generations haven’t even thought about yet. We’ve lived through some serious history, seen the world change in ways that are hard to describe, and learned lessons along the way that only time can teach.

Whether you want to share those stories, give advice on navigating life, or talk about what it’s like to rediscover yourself in this new phase, podcasting gives you the perfect platform. There are people out there right now who need to hear what you have to say. You’ve got wisdom to offer, and believe me, there are listeners who will be nodding along, soaking it all in, and even saying, “Yes! That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

When I started Hey Y’all It’s Evelyn, I thought, “Who’s going to listen to me?” But let me tell you, I’ve connected with so many women who are right where I was. Looking for inspiration, looking for community, and ready to take back control of their lives. You have no idea who you will touch and  inspire with your podcast, but I promise you, someone out there is waiting to hear exactly what you have to say.

woman over 50 start a podcast with a smartphone and a laptop

Let’s Be Real: Ageism Sucks!

One of the toughest things about hitting a certain age in our youth centric culture is ageism.  Our society tends to act like we don’t exist anymore. They want us to become invisible, but that’s nonsense. We’re GenX and we age differently.  We do not go quietly into that good night.  We rage!! That is why now, right this moment, is the perfect time to start a podcast and remind the world that we’re still here—and we’re more powerful than ever.

Podcasting is a way to take back your power. It’s your microphone, your stories, your wisdom, and no one can take that away from you. You get to control the narrative, and trust me, people are ready to listen. This is your chance to say, “Hey world, I’m still here, and I’ve got a lot to say!”

When I started Hey Y’all It’s Evelyn, it was a way for me to reclaim that power. I felt like my voice mattered again, like I was making an impact on my own terms. And you know what? It feels amazing. You deserve to feel that too.

Start a Podcast and Leave a Legacy

Let’s talk about something that’s close to my heart, family history. As we get older, we start thinking about what we’re leaving behind for our family.  We think about the family history that has been lost when our parents and grandparents die. We think about how we wished our grandchildren could hear their tales or even just the sound of their voice. One of the most amazing things when  you start a podcast is that it creates a lasting record of your voice and your stories. It creates a legacy that lives on through the generations.

Think about it: years from now, your grandkids or even great-grandkids could listen to your podcast episodes, hear your voice, and learn from your life. How special is that? It’s like leaving a piece of yourself behind, a personal history that will last long after we’re gone.

I don’t know about you, but there are people I’ve lost in my life, and I would give anything to hear their voices again, to hear them tell their stories one more time. Podcasting is a beautiful way to make sure your voice is never forgotten.

woman over 50 recording a podcast on her phone

It’s Never Too Late to Rediscover Yourself

Here’s the thing: podcasting isn’t just about sharing your wisdom with the world, it’s also about rediscovering you. When you start a podcast it forces you to think about what you care about, what lights you up, and what you want to say. It’s a journey of self-discovery as much as it is a way to connect with others.

When I launched my podcast in 2021, I had no idea how much I would discover about myself throughout the process. Each episode turned into an opportunity for me to reflect on my life, my interests, and what truly matters to me. I like to think of my podcasts as personal therapy sessions where I can explore my thoughts and feelings. It has opened the door to deep self-exploration and joyful new insights. Start a podcast and reconnect with yourself it could be the ideal journey of discovery for you.

How to Start a Podcast: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3

Alright, I know what you’re thinking: “This all sounds great, but how do I actually start a podcast?” Girl, it’s easier than you think to start a podcast! You don’t need a fancy studio or tech expertise to get going. Here’s a quick rundown of how to start your very own podcast:

1. Pick a Topic – What do you love to talk about? Pick a topic that lights you up, whether it’s travel, life after 50, health, or even your favorite books. If you’re passionate about it, that passion will come through in your episodes.

2. Record Your First Episode – Don’t stress about making it perfect. I started with just my phone! There are free apps and platforms like Audacity that make recording and editing super simple. But if you don’t want to worry about editing, you can use a voice recording app on your phone and just hit record and let it flow like I do.

3. Upload and Share – Once you’ve got your episode, you need to share it with the world. Use platforms like Spotify for Podcasters, which makes it super easy to upload your episodes and get them out there. And boom—you’re a podcaster!

Hey Y'all Its' Evelyn podcast on an iphone with headphones a plant a pen and a cup of coffee on a blue wooden table and the words Why women over 50 should start and podcast and reclaim theri voice

Ready to Dive In and Start a Podcast?

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start a podcast and reclaim your voice, your power, and your place in the world. Don’t let fear hold you back. If I can do it at 55, you can do it too. And if you need more tips and tricks on how to get started, check out the content creation section on my other blog Jester & The Queen, where I share knowledge I have gained from my 10+ years of content creation.

Starting a podcast changed my life—and it can change yours too. Let’s make this next chapter the best one yet!

Once you start your podcast, drop a link in the comments so we can all go and give it a listen.


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