womn hiding behind a wall

Women Can Experience Hair Loss Too

Both men and women experience hair loss. This can lead to a negative self-image. A full head of healthy, vibrant hair suggests vitality and youth. As a result of shame or insecurities, people with hair loss may withdraw from social interactions. Those who want to look younger and regain their confidence often think about restoring or reversing their hair loss through a variety of means, including the hair transplant. If you’re considering a hair transplant for women, here’s a quick primer on what to expect.

Causes of Hair Loss 

Common causes of hair loss include the following:

  • Drugs, especially blood pressure medications
  • Skin cancer
  • Aging
  • Environmental toxins
  • Diabetes
  • Infections
  • Genetic conditions
  • Hair pulling

Before pursuing a hair transplant, consult with a medical professional who will advise you on how you can alleviate any underlying conditions.

Hormonal Therapy

Besides the “comb-over,” a hat, or a wig, you have several options to consider for treating hair loss. Many women who suffer from hair loss try hormonal therapies. There are a variety of hormonal treatments available, but it is important to work with a medical specialist to determine what type of hair loss you are experiencing and what you can expect from the treatment. 

Hair Transplants

It used to be that a hair transplant was very conspicuous and was largely only considered for men. Transplant procedures have come a long way since those days and many women are reaping the benefits. Not all women are good candidates for this and certain issues that are often treatable should be dealt with before undergoing the procedure. Work with a doctor to determine if this is the best option for you.

Should you choose the hair transplant route, remember that the process can take about six months before all of the new hairs grow in. In a transplant, a surgeon moves follicles from areas of the scalp that are genetically less prone to thinning. These follicles, after they are placed in the bald areas, are resistant to the hormones that lead to hair loss. Therefore, the treatment will last longer.

Regardless of the cause of your hair loss, there is a treatment option that will suit your needs and reduce your embarrassment. First, seek out a trained medical professional to address any underlying conditions. Second, consider the pros and cons of the myriad treatment options, including hair transplants. If you choose hair transplantation, find a surgeon utilizing the most modern methods to reduce scarring, improve your appearance, and minimize healing time.

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