writers talking

Writers Talking with Kimberly H. Smith @beingawordsmith

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Kimberly was born and raised in south Louisiana. Her debut novel, Acting On Her Behalf, is a suspenseful tale of murder, love, and secrets. She currently lives in the Kansas City area where she enjoys belly laughs with her husband and her young son.  She stays busy with her blog, Being A Wordsmith, and penning freelance articles and reviews. 


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What inspired you to write this book and how long did it take you?


I was inspired to write Acting On Her Behalf because murder mysteries are my favorite type of genre to read. And I have always been a big fan of the celebrity and entertainment world. The first rule I learned in writing was “write about what you know.” The protagonist, Colby Crenshaw, is loosely based on events that happened in my life as an aspiring actress growing up in Louisiana. The manuscript was a labor of love for 16 years!


Do you come from a family of readers? Did you grow up with books in your house? Were you a reader or a writer as a child?


My mother has always been an active reader, so the bookshelves in my home were filled with novels. I read on a fourth-grade level when I was in the first grade. My teachers would let me borrow books from other classrooms to satisfy my reading appetite. The Encyclopedia Brown series was one of my favorites. I wrote short stories while in school as part of my curriculum but I wasn’t passionate about writing then. During my teen years, my mother prompted me to read her large collection of novels written by Jackie Collins, Sidney Sheldon, and Harold Robbins. What she didn’t know was I had already read all of them.


Did you ever have a rough patch in writing, where nothing in the story seemed to fit or make sense? How did you handle it?


Yes. I am a huge procrastinator, hence the reason for taking so long to finish Acting On Her Behalf. I had to buckle down and get serious about writing. I crafted a lengthy outline to get a real view of what had been floating around in my mind for so many years. I did extensive research to make sure all of the pieces of the puzzle fit, then I immersed myself in it for three months.


What advice would you like to give writers who are struggling with their first novels?


Have a friend or confidant read some of your work. Don’t worry about whether it’s a rough draft or unfinished before doing so. Get an unbiased opinion to help you flush out the details that you are too close to see.


Are you a night owl or an early bird? When do you do your best writing? Early in the morning or in the wee hours of the night?


I am definitely a night owl, which is another trait I picked up from my mother. However, my best writing occurs early in the morning. Go figure. And strangely enough, my best ideas come to me when I am taking a bath.


What was the most interesting thing you learned about yourself from writing this book?


The most interesting thing that I learned about myself while writing this book was that I was capable of doing it again. My initial intention was just to finish the manuscript and self-publish it as a stand-alone e-book. Once I successfully did that, I garnered the courage to create a paperback format. Then I started drafts for a sequel. I am currently making plans for an audio version and a screenplay.  



[click_to_tweet tweet=”I am definitely a night owl, … However, my best writing occurs early in the morning. Go figure. Read the interview with Kimberly H. Smith @beingawordsmith here” quote=”I am definitely a night owl, which is another trait I picked up from my mother. However, my best writing occurs early in the morning. Go figure. ” theme=”style3″]




The Book

Acting on Her Behalf

by Kimberly H. Smith

Genre: Mystery

Colby Crenshaw, a beautiful TV and film actress, is arrested on live television for killing her longtime best friend, Sharon Darcy. Sharon had lots of secrets that are revealed as Colby finds herself in jail awaiting trial.

Malcolm Morrow, a high profile Beverly Hills attorney, comes to Colby’s aid to defend her against the devastating charges. They are immediately attracted to each other despite the unusual circumstances. Malcolm becomes more determined than ever to exonerate Colby when her highly publicized arrest has friends and family turning against her.

Colby is tested as her world crumbles around her. Malcolm may be Colby’s only chance at regaining her life and her freedom while Acting On Her Behalf.

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More About Kimberly and Her Blog


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